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Practices of Compassion in St. Paul University (SPU) Manila’s Online Classrooms


This study sought to find out the practices of compassion among teachers in SPU Manila as perceived by students. This study employed the descriptive-survey method to derive factual information relevant to the topic under study which aims to describe behaviors and to gather people’s perceptions, opinions, attitudes, and beliefs about certain issues in education” (Lodico,, 2006). To gather information, a 25-item researcher-made questionnaire was used. Eighty-one students from the College of Arts and Sciences participated in the study. Results show that practices of compassion in all the five indicators mentioned received a rating of HIGHLY COMPASSIONATE. Highest among the indicators was remembering to check in, while the lowest was informal conferencing. With the study yielding an interesting result, the researcher recommends that a similar study involving all the colleges of the university be conducted in the future.

Lourna V. Tagay
St. Paul University Manila