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The Entrepreneurial Mindset (TEM) among St. paul university (SPU) Manila Students: Basis for Course Improvement


Using the College Students’ Entrepreneurial Mindset Scale (Jung, E., & Lee, Y.,2020) as tool, the study determined the Entrepreneurial Mindset of the students enrolled in SPU Manila. Quantitative research design was used. Data was gathered during the culminating activity of TEM which was a webinar on the same topic. The College Students’ Entrepreneurial Mindset Scale (CS-EMS) [25], a recently developed and validated assessment, with sub-constructs of innovativeness, need for achievement, risk-taking, autonomy, and proactiveness, which are the mindsets that are targeted for improvement across a wide spectrum of entrepreneurship classes, was used. Each of the items was measured with a 5-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). Higher scores indicate a higher level of the entrepreneurial mindset sub-factor. All students had the lowest mean score on the sub-concept “autonomy” with a verbal interpretation of agree. Most students strongly agreed that they have an “innovative” mindset and “need for achievement”

Ma. Encarnacion A. Dychangco, Maridel Negradas, Arsenio Bignotia, Amelia Butial, Roel Supendio, and Girlie Guiuan, St. Paul University Manila
St. Paul University Manila