One Hundred Percent: Paulinian Nurses Ace 2022 Licensure Exam
By Kie Anna Cruz | The Paulinian | November 30, 2022
100%. Two “zeroes” and a single “one”: the only one that rises against nothing. PauliNARSes (a wordplay for Paulinian Nurses) have been trained to burn candles at both ends for four years. And in the Philippine Nursing Licensure Exam 2022, the Batch, Christum Serviam of St. Paul University Manila passed with flying colors—100% passing rate.
The College of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences (CNAHS) helps prepare students as early as possible to reach that 100%. A fruitful result such as this would not have come without enough preparation. Hence, students were provided with a head start. When they were still in third year, they took LEAP (Learn, Empower, Achieve, Produce) classes online. Lectures from the APO Review Center provided a comprehensive review of nursing lectures during the same year level.
What CNAHS aims to bring to each of its students is OPPORTUNITIES. Opportunities to reach their goals and aspirations. Opportunities to fill their cup with drive and passion. And opportunities to bring out their best potential. And when the Christum Serviam passed the board exams, it became the most remarkable example of accepted opportunity.
Joanna Guiuan, one of the board passers, shared that her struggles during the review season were rooted in losing motivation and confidence in herself. But to bounce back, she set her sights on becoming a nurse and surrounded herself with a sound support system, especially her family and her partner.
On November 30, 2022, the results were released. Joanna's was more anxious waiting for the results than preparing for the exams themselves. She felt a great sense of relief and comfort as her hard work paid off, and the 25 of them reached what they all hoped to accomplish.
She ended her piece by leaving an advice to the upcoming graduating students who plan to take the Philippine Nursing Licensure Exam (PNLE) in November 2023: "Find the right balance between study and rest. Know your learning style so you can maximize it to your benefit. Surround yourself with good people. And, of course, pray hard. Our efforts are nothing without God's grace."
In the end, preparation prepares you for an opportunity. So, keep learning, keep growing, and keep your eyes open. That way, when the opportunity comes, you will be ready to grab it a hundred percent.