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SPU Manila College of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences holds 61st Capping, 14th Badging and Candle Lighting Ceremony
The 61st Capping and 14th Badging and Cande Lighting Ceremony, celebrating the BSN Class 2023 “Anges de la Vie” (Angels of Life) and 2024 “Lumiére du Christ’’ (Light of Christ), was held on October 14, 2022, in the Chapel of the Crucified Christ.
Paulinian Environmental Society Celebrates Environmental Awareness Month with Fresh Market Caravan and Agriculture Talks
The Paulinian Environmental Society broke stereotypes around agriculture and agri-business in the “Kadiwa & Food Security and Urban Gardening Talk” on November 25, 2022. The campaign, which aimed to promote agriculture in our modern world, featured two main events– a seminar on Food Security and Urban Gardening, in cooperation with the Department of Agriculture, and a Fresh Vegetable Market Caravan, in partnership with Kadiwa Farmers and Young Farmers Scholars of the Department of Agriculture.
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