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Ramon Santos' Awit Ni Pulau was completed in 1990 and is a children's musical based on a tale written by Edgar Maranan. Written for the University of the Philippines Cherubim and Seraphim, this choral masterpiece for children has drawn together performers and audience in an effort to spread the urgent message of creation care. This paper introduced the new performance edition which aims to provide effective technical, musical, and staging assistance to performers and audience members preparing for the musical. This paper also gave an instrument distribution plan and a guide for the prompter who will cue in the audience to play their part. In addition, the inclusion of the synopsis and text translation in this performance edition will assist the singers and musicians in understanding the relationship of their vocal and instrumental gestures to the words they sing or accompany. This paper endeavors to introduce this new edition as a facilitative music-reading experience through professionally encoded notation through editorial annotations, performance alternatives for instruments and singers with changing voices, and staging possibilities. Furthermore, this paper provides a comprehensive guide for producing non-Western vocal sounds and techniques in playing traditional Filipino instruments.

Eudenice Vicente Palaruan
St. Paul University Manila